Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto
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Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto
After graduating from a top university with an impressive extracurricular record in the rugby club, Akira Tendou has nailed every step of the way to securing his dream job. On top of that, a beautiful and kind co-worker always brightens his day in the office! Life seems to be going very well for Akira until he slowly realizes that sleepless nights and brutal work are his new reality. Due to three years of mind-numbing labor in an exploitative company, Akira is unable to recognize the tired, unaccomplished person he has become. On track to losing all passion in life like several of his overworked colleagues, Akira finds his saving grace in the most unexpected way possible—the breakout of a zombie apocalypse. With the free time he finally has, Akira decides to complete a bucket list of a hundred things he wants to do before he eventually gets turned into a zombie. Although he is surrounded by the dead, Akira has never felt more alive! In a trash-filled apartment, 24-year-old Akira Tendou watches a zombie movie with lifeless, envious eyes. After spending three hard years at an exploitative corporation in Japan, his spirit is broken. He cant even muster the courage to confess his feelings to his beautiful co-worker Ootori. Then one morning, he stumbles upon his landlord eating lunch—which happens to be another tenant! The whole citys swarming with zombies, and even though hes running for his life, Akira has never felt more alive!