Xing Yu Siwan Nian
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Xing Yu Siwan Nian
Li Yao, a genius craftsman, has been unable to break through the bottleneck due to the low development of his psychic powers, and then he obtained 40,000 years of cultivation by chance. Knowledge, thus opened up, but still missed the joint entrance examination. With the encouragement of friends and mentors, relying on his willpower to regain the opportunity to participate in the joint entrance examination, he finally entered the university of his choice and entered the story of realizing his dream of becoming a craftsman. (Source: Tencent Video)Li Yao, a genius craftsman, has been unable to break through the bottleneck due to the low development of his psychic powers, and then he obtained 40,000 years of cultivation by chance. Knowledge, thus opened up, but still missed the joint entrance examination. With the encouragement of friends and mentors, relying on his willpower to regain the opportunity to participate in the joint entrance examination, he finally entered the university of his choice and entered the story of realizing his dream of becoming a craftsman.