Weiß Kreuz Glühen
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Weiß Kreuz Glühen
Koua is an academy that brings Japanese's most talented people and students together. The mission is to train talented people to bear the world's future leadership. However, recently, the suicide rate in the academy is increasing and there is hardly any information being released to the public. Fujimiya Aya is sent to infiltrate this school carrying out criminal investigation and disguise himself as a teacher. In fact, actually, there is a connection between Koua academy and the global terrorist activities that are frequently occur. Therefore Persia assigns Hidaka Ken and Kudou Youji as well into this mission to solve the truth and connection of the incident behind Koua academy. (Source: AniDB)Koua is an academy that brings Japaneses most talented people and students together. The mission is to train talented people to bear the worlds future leadership. However, recently, the suicide rate in the academy is increasing and there is hardly any information being released to the public.