Transformers Superlink
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Transformers Superlink
It has been 10 years since the fateful battle with Unicron. Many of the Decepticons who fought in the battle against Unicron have joined forces with the Autobos to mine for Energon, an alternate energy source. But a new source of evil has a risen, Alpha Q who plans to steal the Energon from the Autobots with the help of Scorponok and the Terrorcons. This new evil is trying to revive Megatron and Unicron in order to rekindle the old flames of war. (Source: ANN)Three hundred years have passed since the Great War between the Autobots and Decepticons. Cybertron is ruled by the Maximals, the descendants of the Autobots. They are at peace with the Predacons, the descendants of the Decepticons. One particular Predacon is looking to start trouble again. Megatron gathered a crew and stole Cybertron’s most guarded relic: the golden disk. His escape was interrupted by a Maximal exploration ship led by Optimus Primal. The Axalon followed the Predacons into transwap space and both ships crash landed on an unknown planet. Megatron’s plan was successful, the planet they crashed on was loaded with energon. As a matter of fact, there was to much energon for them to handle. Both sides had to create alternate forms based on local animal life to survive on this planet. Now its up to Optimus Primal and the Maximals to stop Megatron from gaining enough energon to conquer the galaxy.