Tetsuwan Birdy Decode:02
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Tetsuwan Birdy Decode:02
Following the Ryunka disaster, Tokyo is left in a period of social turmoil. To make matters worse, the group of aliens directly responsible for the catastrophic event have escaped from the Space Federation and are hiding on Earth. Still sharing a body, Space Federation officer Birdy Cephon Altera, and high schooler, Tsutomu Senkawa, are tasked with capturing the fugitives and bringing them to justice. However, an unexpected crisis develops when the outlaws become targets of an unknown assassin with a vendetta. Now Birdy must deal with the chaos of everyday life and also uncover the identity of the assassin before more escapees fall victim. Birdy and Tsutomu are still co-existing in the same body, as Birdy continues her duties as Federation Investigator and celebrity persona, and Tsutomu seeks to balance them with his normal everyday life. When a criminal group connected to the Ryunka incident escape from custody, hiding themselves and their alien identities on Earth, Birdy and Tsutomu are thrown back into action. It seems, however, that there are other forces involved, as well as old faces, which give Birdy time to reflect on the past, and the people that influenced her.