Tenshi no Drop
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Tenshi no Drop
Botan Ichige's lifelong dream is to enjoy a tea party with angelic girls. When she enrolls at St. Asmaria All-Girls School with her best friend Shinobu Itoko, it begins to feel like her dream could become reality. Suddenly, an angel appears in their midst. Calling herself Un, the strange girl offers the duo her halo to eat. However, consuming the halo causes Botan and Shinobu to spontaneously "conceive" and "give birth" to colorful mushroom-shaped objects. Feeling out of sorts due to the lewd action she is forced to endure, Botan cheers up when Un says that her wish will come true if she can lay one hundred thousand "eggs." Spurred on by Un's words, Botan's struggles to achieve her dream have only just started. Botan Ichige has just enrolled in St. Asmaria All-Girl's School where angels are said to live. It turns out that angels do indeed live there, and after an accident, an angel named Un offers Botan her halo as a snack. After eating it, Botan discovers it had some bizarre side-effects, causing her to regularly "give birth" to colorful mushrooms. Is this the life of an angel!?