Shin SOS Dai Tokyo Tankentai
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Shin SOS Dai Tokyo Tankentai
"While packing for a move, elementary school student Ryuhei finds his father's old school notebook detailing a search for a treasure in Tokyo's vast network of underground passages. With his little brother tagging along, he and three friends from an online chat room gather and set out on a quest to find the treasure. What they discover instead is an entire underground community composed of assorted eccentrics, including a senile old soldier still performing a World War II-era mission." (Source: ANN)While packing for a move, elementary school student Ryuhei finds his fathers old school notebook detailing a search for a treasure in Tokyos vast network of underground passages. With his little brother tagging along, he and three friends from an online chat room gather and set out on a quest to find the treasure. What they discover instead is an entire underground community composed of assorted eccentrics, including a senile old soldier still performing a World War II-era mission.