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Despite endless research, the human mind remains a mystery to this day. Unknown to the public, there exist special individuals who are able to dive deep into the minds of people and even manipulate their memories. Gifted with this ability, Hiroki, Tsukasa, and Satoru are among those who use their power to commit crime under the orders of their leader, Katsuragi. The three step into the dangerous territory of the human mind in order to destroy their assigned targets while striving to keep their own minds and memories safe. There are people who can get into people's mind and control their memories. This power is used to eradicate mysteries and cases or worse, to assassinate. The potential of the said power is strong enough that it is able to destroy people's mind, however, can backfire and eat up their own heart. To counter it, chains are used to lock and protect each other's weak and dangerous heart. From one's growing fear and disdain, they're consequently called as a "Pet."