Noragami Aragoto
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Noragami Aragoto
Yato and Yukine have finally mended their relationship as god and Regalia. As a minor and unknown deity, Yato continues to take odd jobs for five yen apiece in hopes of one day having millions of worshippers and his own grand shrine. He has yet to fix Hiyori Iki's loose soul, but she cheerily prepares for high school nonetheless. While things are seemingly back to normal, the complicated history between Yato and Bishamon—goddess of war and warriors—resurfaces. Bishamon holds a mysterious old grudge against Yato, which results in violent clashes between them. To further complicate matters, Bishamon's most trusted Regalia, Kazuma, is indebted to Yato. When lives are on the line, unraveling these secrets is possibly the only way to correct mistakes of the past. In the second season of Noragami the main focus is on Bishamon, god of combat. She has many shinki due to her being unable to abandon spirits attacked by Ayakashi. She has a large group of shinki with her as leader, causing her trouble as she sometimes cannot tend to all of them properly, especially when one of them gets sick or is in pain. She has a strong hate for Yato, as a dark past binds the two of them. How will the horrifying events dated hundreds of years ago in combination with current evil happenings affect Yato and Yukine?