Natsume Yuujinchou: Itsuka Yuki no Hi ni
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Natsume Yuujinchou: Itsuka Yuki no Hi ni
As the first delicate snowflake touches the cold ground, Nyanko-sensei dozes on his hot-water bottle next to Takashi Natsume. While his aunt prepares a warm dinner, Natsume takes a walk, welcoming the snow and the chilly weather. However, his peaceful promenade is disturbed by a white, fluffy snowman yokai with perturbing black eyes, searching for something warm and sparkly. With no further information, Natsume sets off to help find what the spirit desires. During a winter walk, Natsume Takashi meets a snowman yokai who is searching for something she is lost and cannot seem to recall and decides to help her despite not knowing what exactly she is looking for.