Nandaka Velonica
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Nandaka Velonica
Velonica has crossed the entire galaxy from the distant planet of Metrotopia and landed on Earth. Her mission is simple: to meet with Earth's leader and complete a contract that will allow them to install a giant antenna and connect Earth to the Galaxy Network. Soon upon her arrival, Velonica discovers that Earth does not have a single leader, and its inhabitants are preoccupied with strange, illogical activities. But before her father—the President of the Galaxy Network—intervenes, Velonica must find a way to make sense of this backwater planet. The children's anime revolves around Velonica, a high-handed and ultra-selfish little alien girl on the Galaxy Network, who begins to cause havoc on Earth. After a “fated encounter” with an Earthling boy, Velonica wavers between a possible budding romance with the boy and her dedication to the arts.