Kyousou Giga (2012)
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Kyousou Giga (2012)
Three kids are stuck in a strange city causing massive mayhem through the land. They are searching for an atypical rabbit in order to return home. Koto, the eldest of the three, seems to have some sort of connection to this weird place ruled by a monk, a demon, and a priest.It’s Kyoto, and yet it is not. A microcosm of peculiar origins, “Mirror Kyoto”. A small incident causes a young girl, Koto, to wander into this world. She runs into a mysterious monk, gets chased around by a tech-obsessed girl, and heartily enjoys her chaotic and colorful new life, but meanwhile, out of sight, a certain plan is being set into motion… In this mysterious city where spirits and humans have been thrown together, the festivities are about to begin!