Kono Danshi, Mahou ga Oshigoto Desu.
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Kono Danshi, Mahou ga Oshigoto Desu.
Chiharu Kashima, captain of the Wizard Bureau's Crisis Countermeasures Division, is among a handful of people who can use magic. While frequenting his favorite bar, he is approached by a friendly man named Toyohi Utsumi. Having always dreamt of being a wizard, Toyohi is enthralled by the idea of meeting one. Much to the young Captain's surprise, Toyohi confesses that he has fallen in love with Kashima. While little time as passed, the two begin to spend more time together. Not all is well, however, as Kashima fears that magic is all that he has and Toyohi is only in love with Kashima the Wizard. Chiharu Kashima is the captain of the Wizard Bureau's Crisis Countermeasures Division. One day, he meets a friendly man named Toyohi Utsumi at the bar he frequents. Soon after the meeting, Utsumi confesses, "I've fallen in love with Kashima-san." Kashima is taken aback, but the two soon begin to spend more time together.