Kokoro Toshokan
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Kokoro Toshokan
Hidden away on a remote mountaintop, the Kokoro Library struggles to attract many visitors. Nevertheless, it is the home of sisters Iina, Aruto, and Kokoro, who consider it their mission to keep the library running in their parents' stead. Kokoro has long dreamed of becoming a librarian at the library with the same name as her, and tries her best to keep up with her older sisters. Due to the lack of patrons, the girls mainly spend their time sipping tea, chatting, and reading. However, as the number of mysterious visitors progressively increases, Kokoro begins to learn about the strange history of Kokoro Library—a place where small miracles seem to blossom. Kokoro Toshokan, a small library, lies nestled in an unpopulated mountain far away from town. Three sisters, Iina, Aruto and Kokoro, call the library home and run it from day-to-day. Kokoro is just beginning her adventures at the library. Will she become a full-fledged librarian? Will the remote library ever attract readers? Kokoro tries her best to make her dreams come true at Kokoro Library, a place where miracles can happen.