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Kawahira Keita is a descendant of a historic Inukami tamer family; however, because he lacked in its ability, he was forsaken by the family. One day, an Inukami named Youko came. She looked graceful, obedient, above all, beautiful. Soon he contracted with her, and she paid homage to him. However, she was a problematic Inukami that no one had been able to control. This is a slap stick comedy of an Inukami Tamer, Keita and an Inukami, Youko. Keita is a man of worldly passions, and he likes money and girls very much. On the other hand, Youko likes to destroy things and is very jealous. (Source: AnimeNfo)Kawahira Keita is a descendant of an ancient Inukami tamer family tasked with dealing with unruly spirits and daemons. While his Inukami (or spiritual pact creature) is a very strong female dog spirit named Youko, she is also very possessive and troublesome, especially when it comes to Keita's desire to live his youth to it's fullest.