Hua Jianghu: Huan Shi Men Sheng
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Hua Jianghu: Huan Shi Men Sheng
Nian Yangxiao, came from a parallel world to save his true love who was killed in another dimension. He must find the killer who has a mark on her thigh before it was too late. If his love is killed in this world she will truly be gone forever. He has to deal with the various gangs with the help of a newly acquired power which can stop time. (Source: CrimsonSubs)Nian Yangxiao, came from a parallel world to save his true love who was killed in another dimension. He must find the killer who has a mark on her thigh before it was too late. If his love is killed in this world she will truly be gone forever. He has to deal with the various gangs with the help of a newly acquired power which can stop time.