Dragon Ball Z Special 2: Zetsubou e no Hankou!! Nokosareta Chousenshi - Gohan to Trunks
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Dragon Ball Z Special 2: Zetsubou e no Hankou!! Nokosareta Chousenshi - Gohan to Trunks
It has been thirteen years since the Androids began their killing rampage and Son Gohan is the only person fighting back. He takes Bulma's son Trunks as a student and even gives his own life to save Trunks's. Now Trunks must figure out a way to change this apocalyptic future. (Source: ANN)It has been thirteen years since the Androids began their killing rampage and Son Gohan is the only person fighting back. He takes Bulmas son Trunks as a student and even gives his own life to save Trunkss. Now Trunks must figure out a way to change this apocalyptic future.