Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi - Set a Thief to Catch a Thief
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Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi - Set a Thief to Catch a Thief
It has been a month since London was struck with tragedy, and a ceremony symbolizing peace and restoration will soon be held. In light of these events, Arsène Lupin plans to throw a party for Cardia Beckford to honor the fulfillment of her wish. Lupin sets out on a search for the perfect gift to offer her; however, he finds himself caught up in the theft of a valuable jewel, and he is framed and believed to be the culprit. With Lupin locked behind bars, his friends work along with Cardia and an unexpected ally to clear Lupin's name and find the real perpetrators behind the heist. Cardia has a deadly poison residing in her body, and as a result, gets called a monster by others. One night, she meets a mysterious man calling himself Arsène Lupin, who leads her to Industrial London. From there, she meets various people uncovering the truths and real stories behind the strange people and land, in an attempt to recover her memories and search for her father who holds the keys to her memories in London.