Chibi Maruko-chan Movie: Italia kara Kita Shounen
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Chibi Maruko-chan Movie: Italia kara Kita Shounen
When six international students descend on Shimizu for a homestay, an Italian boy takes an unusual liking to Maruko, who isn't too impressed by the situation. Can she put aside her annoyance in order to help him connect to the memory of one of his closest family members? Join the expansive cast of Chibi Maruko-chan as they embark on their first cinematic adventure in 23 years! (Source: MaruChanSubs)When six international students descend on Shimizu for a homestay, an Italian boy takes an unusual liking to Maruko, who isnt too impressed by the situation. Can she put aside her annoyance in order to help him connect to the memory of one of his closest family members? Join the expansive cast of Chibi Maruko-chan as they embark on their first cinematic adventure in 23 years!