Ao no Orchestra
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Ao no Orchestra
Once a prize-winning violin prodigy, Hajime gave up on music after his father, professional violinist Ryuuji Aono, was involved in a scandal that led the media to harass his family. Now living alone with his mother and entering his final year of middle school, Hajime struggles to find a new career path. However, the sound of his classmate Ritsuko Akine playing the violin inspires Hajime to dream of a musical career once more. With the help of Ritsuko, Hajime prepares to take the entrance exam for the prestigious Umimaku High School. But if he wishes to join Umimaku's orchestra, Hajime must overcome his past trauma and open himself up to new musical horizons. Hajime Aono was a prodigy violinist until he grew jaded with playing the violin due to personal reasons. Now in his third year of middle school, he struggles to decide on his academic path. One day in school, he meets Ritsuko Akine, a hotheaded novice violinist who wants to enroll in a high school with a distinguished orchestra club. When he finds himself getting closer to Ritsuko and being brought back to the world of violinists, time starts moving again for him. This is the beginning of a youthful drama where sounds and hearts alike resound in harmony.