Kiku-chan to Ookami
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Kiku-chan to Ookami
"Kiku-chan to Okami" is an adaptation of "Grave of the Fireflies" author Akiyuki Nosaka’s short story "Toshi-Oi Mesu-Okami to Onna no Ko no Hanashi" (The Story of the Old Mother Wolf and the Girl), which follows a girl and the wolf in the fields of WWII Manchuria who watches over her like a mother. (Source: AniDB)Kiku-chan to Okami is an adaptation of Grave of the Fireflies author Akiyuki Nosaka’s short story Toshi-Oi Mesu-Okami to Onna no Ko no Hanashi (The Story of the Old Mother Wolf and the Girl), which follows a girl and the wolf in the fields of WWII Manchuria who watches over her like a mother.