Green Green OVA
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Green Green OVA
Hanaoka high school is an all girls' school, and the girls were pretty excited when they heard that boys were admitted into their high school. Smart and elegant boys, that's in their fantasy. However, in reality, the boys who were actually admitted are from the countryside and not smart at all, leave alone being elegant. And in fact, two of them are dirty perverts...Kanenone Gakuen is an all-male boarding school located in the countryside of Japan. Although an all-male school is nothing new, life can become quite difficult when there are no female students for miles around. In order to help the psychological health of everyone involved, the school board has decided to try and merge with the nearest all-girl boarding school in order to become co-ed. The boys of Kanenone are more than thrilled at the prospect, and the girls are curious as to how interesting school life might become if there were more boys around. Before any serious decisions are made, the girls have been invited to stay at Kanenone for one month as a test.